Why Raven On The Mountain?  It's a good name.  A name that's hard to forget.  Like the first time you heard the croak of a raven echoing off a mountainside.  You don't forget that either.

We are all about birds.  We believe that the enjoyment of birds is enhanced by capturing their images. Digital video offers close to the same resolution as digital still photography.  The fact that sound and motion are part of the experience has earned video a place in the assemblage of nature imaging techniques. It is our goal to bring video images to light and to further the use of video in the world of birding.

We spend a lot of time around children, and another of our goals is to let them in on the world of Nature that so many of those who influence them try to shut out. To that end we publish books and moving media for kids, and try to put a little wonder into each of our video productions.

People in all sorts of arenas use our video.  Anywhere birds are needed.  Commercials, celebrations of parks, education, religious services, conservation organizations, government agencies, TV nature shows, independent motion pictures, and major Hollywood studios all use Raven On The Mountain video.

Our 2008 production Among The Prairie Bells won Best In Class in Videomaker Magazine's annual contest.  In 2009 thirty international nature and wildlife videographers each began a year-long effort to produce a nature documentary in DV Infonet's UWOL Long Challenge.  Our entry Miles To Go Before They Sleep  took top honors.

Our video was part of 2011's motion picture The Big Year, 2013's  feature film A Birder's Guide To Everything, and the BBC's Twitchers: A Very British Obsession.

We are always eager to talk to you.  Our contact information is:

Raven On The Mountain Video Productions
(305) 343-2179