You Can't Direct The Talent
You love to photograph wild birds.  You're good at it. Your digital camera comes with some impressive video functions, but you aren't sure how best to use them.

You Can't Direct The Talent
is a guide to wild bird videography for photographers and digiscopers.  You will learn what you need to know about:

Staying in focus.
• Proper exposure.
• Equipment you may need to enhance your video work.
• Thinking "movie" instead of "photo".
• Finding interesting behaviors.
• How to guess what a bird is going to do before it happens.
• Where to find unique and photogenic bird events.
• Filming singing birds.
• Filming flight.
• Filming  "edit-free".
You Can't Direct The Talent includes a calendar of bird activity for North America.
Now for the first time instead of guessing
if your planned trip will be at the right time for the birds doing what you want them to be doing, there are some guidelines.  With our calendar, you will not, for example, go to Northern Minnesota on May 20th and expect to film Yellow-bellied Flycatchers singing. They aren't there yet.  Although necessarily not comprehensive, this is the first continent-wide effort to provide such information.
You Can't Direct The Talent is a PDF. It is
104 pages long and is full of photos and
links to videos.   You download it from your
e-mail.  $25.00.